Sunday, March 9, 2008

weekend update - clack, canyon creek, and rest

Sunday. I'll try to get out today, maybe an afternoon Clackamas run. The last thing I'd like to do is hit my schnoz again. EDIT: didn't make it out Sunday. Took the opportunity to patch myself up.

Saturday. I rolled out with Oly to meet Luke S. and Deek for a Canyon Creek run. Our group swelled to around 18 before it was done: Neal F, Chuck T, Ken Braumeister, Cory N, the midget and Cory M, R.T. and co. from Seattle, Mari and her "old-school boater husband", Ryan M, et al. Given the amount of people on the run, the carnage was minimal. Level was about 6" below the unit...pretty mellow.

Saturday Carnage. Wildcard IK crossover Markus got pinned upside-down between a boulder and the wall of the gorge, which was scary to everyone but him for a moment. I managed to bloody up my face with a close encounter of the paddle-shaft-related kind at Big Kahuna (a.k.a. Big Falls) by sneaking up on the undercut wall from below. I was in a borrowed LL Gus, and paid the price for a launch line gone awry, boof gone weak, and a melt line gone sideways. My nose was bleeding profusely from both nostrils and a cut by the bridge of it, so I was scaring the children with my bloody visage, for sure. Maybe Dave G got a good shot of it when it was fresh...time will tell. It looks a lot better since I cleaned it up, and I should only look like Meatloaf (per independent assessments by Dr. Peake and the Honorable Luke S) until the swelling goes away.

Reunion. Dr. Peake is returned from Mexico, and he, Kourtni, and I had a chance to catch up a bit Saturday night...the two that made it happen, and the one that couldn't. He shot some great photos down south, for sure. Summer schemes are still being hatched.

Friday. I got out on the Clack after work for a short run that actually included some decent play near Armstrong. Todd R, Jim, and Oldschool Ken gave me some good instruction in the fine art of surfing gracefully. By the time I got down to Joe Bob's I was actually applying some of it, even! Lots of work to do there, but it's getting better quickly. It was nice to see that my friend Diana actually boats these days. Level was around 1800...perfect for Teeny Weeny Wave.

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