Wednesday, April 9, 2008

local dirtbag photo model revealed

If you see the Canoe & Kayak Magazine pictured at right, check it out...I'm in an Accent Paddles ad on the third page, hucking Sunset Falls. I'd been paddling all of 6 months when the shot was taken, and if Luke or Oly's shots had turned out, they'd be in their rightful place in the ad. I'm told I'll be able to pick up a few copies at this weekend's race, so I'm stoked to provide some genuine autographed copies to my family and any groupies.


Allo, groupies? Are you out there?!? Williekayak(at)gmail(dot)com. ;-)

Update. The ad came out! So far, the spoils of my newfound fame remain to be seen, but I'm sure the riches are en route. The actual ad is pictured to the right. The photoshop work is not particularly stunning, but I'm happy to say that, yes, Luke is my fearless leader, and I'd follow him on most any run, so I'm happy to "Follow the Leader" in the ad.

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